打完新活动还没见到有人贴, 就让我来久违的抢一下工作吧。
Ivara Zirastra Helmet
Inaros Canopic Helmet
Vedda Glyph Pack
Show off your style with this action packed collection of Warframe glyphs.
Show off your style with this action packed collection of Warframe glyphs.
Glyph Display
Proudly display Glyph images around your Landing Craft! Choose from any unlocked Glyph image.
Proudly display Glyph images around your Landing Craft! Choose from any unlocked Glyph image.
Quick Steel
Razor sharp Nikana clash with bullet fast Hikou in this amped-up deathmatch variant.
Quick Steel
Razor sharp Nikana clash with bullet fast Hikou in this amped-up deathmatch variant.
Don’t forget that you can host your own Dedicated Server for Conclaves! Please see here for instructions:
To introduce this new Conclave Mode, Teshin is rewarding Tenno who achieve each 48 hour task in the Navigation panel (including a new Landing Craft ornament)! It is available for a limited time, so prove your Quick Steel skill and earn your rewards before it is gone!
You have until Tuesday February 7th at 5 p.m. ET to earn your rewards!
Dedicated Server Changes
- Server automatically restarts when you are hosting an expired Variant mode.
- 还在开放已过期的变种模式的PVP server会自己帮你重开(就那个DE之前开放让玩家自己请缨host pvp的伺服)
- Hydroid’s Tempest Barrage can now be cast while moving and on ziplines.
- 水人一技现在可以在挂机钢索上使用了
- Waypoints now show total distance to waypoint instead of its own distance from the player.
- 标记点现在会直接显示实际标记点的距离,而非跟那个跳来跳去的中途标记点的距离。
- You can now Chat link Codex secret items if you own them. Other players without the item can then click on the link, but can't link it themselves.
- 现在你可以在对话频道Tag资料库你已有的神秘物品了(大概是库利亚猫神器之类的?),其他玩家不论资料库有无都能点进去看,但没有的就不能自己Tag。
- Enabled Trilinear Filtering on a bunch of textures to make it look better on min-spec hardware.
- 启用三线滤波(总之某项技术吧,我也不懂,机翻的)去过滤各种纹理材质,令低阶设备的玩家也能看到更好的效果。
- Reduced the size of the Excavation Power Cell marker.
- 缩小挖掘任务的电池在地图上显示的标记大小(原本大到会看不见下个挖掘点)
- Increased the first swing animation speed for the Sovereign Outcast Tonfa Stance Mod.
- 增加拐刃新姿态(至尊浪人)第一刀的动作速度
- Minor performance improvement to shadow casting lights.
- 稍微提高光影的效果
- More optimization to improve Relay/Dojo performance.
- 优化中继站及道场的效果
- Fixed a script error with Chroma’s Effigy.
- Fixed a script error when loading into the Uranus > Neptune Junction.
- Fixed using Valkyr's Hysteria/Excalibur's Exalted Blade/Wukong's Primal Fury during a ‘Weapon Only’ Sortie resulting in "Power In Use" when casting any ability for the remainder of the mission.
- Fixed Ivara being left without a weapon after casting Artemis Bow during a ‘Bow Only’ Sortie.
- Fixed Mesa's Peacemaker not cooperating with ‘Weapon Only’ Sorties.
- 上面三项总结起来就是:修正突击任务限制武器类型的场合时,使用战甲的武器幻化技能系时会产生收不回去等的各种Bug
- Fixed sometimes becoming permanently invincible when using Transference right when the wave ends in Defense missions.
- 修正在防御任务每波的完结时使用传识有机会变成永久无敌的问题
- Fixed floating in space without an Archwing in Fortress Sorties.
- 修正在赤毒要塞的突击任务可以不用AW就在宇宙漂浮的问题(卡兹sama!)
- Fixed running animation being absurdly fast when skipping the fly-in cutscenes in the Relays.
- 修正如果跳过飞船进入中继站的动画时,战甲走路会超自然震动的问题。(这Bug好像很久了吧,所以不重要也翻一下)
- Fixed a problem where a Relic reward choice would not be applied if no players qualified for a Relic reward in the subsequent reward interval in that mission.
- Fixed Grineer Rollers getting stuck after attacking.
- Fixed an issue with starting The Silver Grove quest from the World State Window.
- Fixed some water in the Grineer Forest not playing splishy-splashy sounds when you prance through it.
- Fixed Mag's Polarize shrapnel limit not being applied correctly (would sometimes give you one less than the intended limit).
- Fixed Lotus saying her "now kill everything that moves" line when she shouldn't in Sabotage Sorties.
- 修正在突击破坏任务时莲花有时候会在不应该的场合下病娇地叫你「现在给我杀光所有会动的东西」的问题。(因为被骗过了两三次所以翻一下)
- Fixed Glyph texture streaming in certain cases.
- Fixed the minimap shrinking after clicking "Battle" in a Defense mission and having ‘Prefer Overlay Map’ enabled.
- Fixed incorrectly placed Submersible entrances in the Grineer Sealab tileset.
- Fixed a level hole players could leave level boundaries in the Grineer Settlement and Grineer Sealab tileset.
- Fixed Phoenix Renewal (Regeneration Augment Mod) Impact message showing loc tag.
- Fixed the ‘Can't Sell’ UI tag appearing outside the box in certain languages.
- Potential fix for Riven Mods not producing correct elemental priority for Clients.
- Fixed a shadow discrepancy in the Grineer Shipyard tileset.
- Fixed incorrect steam sounds playing in the Landing Craft.
- Fixed Oberon’s Agile akimbo stance using the wrong animation.