那幺我就久违的来翻译一下吧~ (其实中计的是我??!!
A Donda Decoration has been added!
After completing the Chains of Harrow quest, visit Palladino in Iron Wake to purchase your Donda for a small Ducat fee. Shiny for a shiny!
完成Harrow的枷锁系列任务之后,可以到地球的钢铁防线要塞找紧身衣灵媒hshsPalladino,用25杜卡德金币购买。(Bling Bling~
- Added notification for Energy gained by hitting enemies with Void Dash (it was always 10 energy/enemy but you could never see this).
(其实一直都有,每命中一个敌人获得10能量,但你可能从来都没发现(σ′▽‵)′▽‵)σ )
Harrow Changes:
(Values based on Rank 3 Abilities, lower Ranks adjusted similarly)
(Values based on Rank 3 Abilities, lower Ranks adjusted similarly)
- Increased Duration from Shields by 25%
- Increased Duration cap from 60 seconds to 120 seconds
- Increased Fire Rate from 25% to 35%
- Increased Reload Speed from 50% to 70%
- 牺牲护盾转换的的的持续时间增加25%。
(现在每牺牲100点护盾/过载护盾时,此技能的持续时间追加1.25秒。) - 持续时间上限从60秒提升至120秒。
- 射速加成从25%提升至35%。
- 装填加成从50%提升至70%。
- Increased Range from 15m to 20m
- Sped up Energy Channeling by 50%
- Energy Channeling speed is now affected by Natural Talent
- 範围从15M提升至20M。
提炼查克拉能量导引的速度加快50%。- 天赋Mod现在会加快
- Increase Crit per 100 Damage from 1.25% to 1.5%
- 每受到100点伤害时给予的爆击机率加乘,从1.25%提升至1.5%。
Defection Changes & Fixes:
- Changed Defection squad sizes to a constant 3 in Solo or 4 in Multiplayer.
- Defection sessions are now joinable until 1 squad is rescued or 3 or more Defectors are killed. This will result in more open Defection sessions to join.
- Reduced the scans required on the White Charger from 20 to 3.
- Defection Alerts now count squads rescued instead of individuals rescued. Requirement for normal Alerts is 4 squads (1 squad from A, 1 from B, 2 from C in multiplayer)
- Fixed no enemies spawning after a Host migration.
- 叛逃小队的成员数量会依玩家数量而改变。
边缘人单刷3人一组,多人4人一组。 - 叛逃任务的组队机制会维持开放,直到一个叛逃小队完成撤离、或是三个以上的叛逃人员死亡之后,才会转变为无法加入。(像是防御任务五波后,才会无法加入这样。)
- White Charger(不确定是甚幺,应该是新的I族怪。)的扫描所需次数从20次减少到3次。
- 叛逃警报现在会以叛逃小队的数量,而不是叛逃的总人数来计算。普通警报需要撤离四个小队才能完成。(多人模式下,A点一组、B点一组、C点两组。)
- 修复主机迁移之后,敌人停止刷新的问题。
Chains of Harrow Quest Changes (vague for spoiler reason):
- Increased the amount of Energy returned to the Operator by killing enemies in the Chains of Harrow quest fight from 15 to 30.
- An objective text will now indicate when a certain mechanic is invulnerable in the Chains of Harrow boss fight.
- Increased the hit box size of a certain mechanic when invulnerable in the Chains of Harrow boss fight.
- Red Veil Fanatics now have objective markers on them in the Chains of Harrow boss fight.
- 在任务中以本体战斗时,击杀敌人获得的能量从15提升至30。
- 在BOSS战中,某些物件
不就是锁链嘛囧进入无敌状态时,会给予提示。 - 在BOSS战中,某些物件
其实就是锁链吧囧进入无敌状态时,Hitbox的尺寸会加大。(跟上一个改动连动。某些物件根本就是锁链吧囧无敌时比较好打中,而且打中时会提示你无法造成伤害这样。) - 现在BOSS战中的血色面纱狂信者,会用红色任务标记标示出来。
- Optimized potential hitches caused by Infested Spawn Pods.
- Vor’s Prize quest intro cinematic is no longer skippable.
- Razer Chroma effects now play in the Main Menu and when Energy color is changed in the Arsenal.
- Disabled mission failure for taking too long in Mastery Rank Tests.
- 优化感染者生成囊夹会造成敌人进入警戒的问题。
- Vor的战利品系列任务的开场动画,现在无法被跳过。
- 雷蛇的Chroma功能
简单来说就是看起来超炫炮但实际没什幺用的滑鼠发光切换颜色功能现在在主选单就能运作,且会跟随能量色而变动。 - 取消Rank考试中时间的时间限制。
- Fixed a crash upon opening the Options menu.
- Fixed some performance issues with melee weapons and in other areas of the game.
- Fixed the Opticor not having it’s 1m Punch Through.
- Fixed being able to see other players in Palladino’s Iron Wake room.
- Fixed caches on Kuva Fortress/Dakata giving rewards from the incorrect table (thereby not dropping Cyclone Kraken as intended).
- Fixed the Pandero’s reload sounds being too loud.
- Fixed missing Pandero reload sounds when using it in Dual-Wield.
- Fixed Pistols having double responses and animation (sounds, reloading, etc).
- Fixed Harrow’s Thurible Channeling not being cancellable with "use selected ability button."
- Fixed Harrow’s Thurible remaining in his hand if he enters gets downed while Channeling Thurible.
- Fixed not receiving the buff after channeling Harrow’s Thurible if a context action is used.
- Fixed Harrow’s Penance not respecting the duration cap on the initial cast.
- Fixed being able to damage enemies outside the Rift while you are currently in it.
- Fixed bad grass lighting in the Forest tileset.
- Fixed not being able to shoot Sapping Osprey mines.
- Fixed Harrow’s front cloth clipping through his legs during his Agile animation.
- Fixed Emotes being disabled for everybody when a Harrow is Channeling his Thurible.
- Fixed Stalker ‘whooshing’ and other sounds being too loud. Fear the whoosh!
- Fixed a Corpus door opening incorrectly.
- Fixed being unable to hit enemies from within the Rift when using Titania’s Razorwing.
- Fixed the Sheev, Mire, and Hate having unintentionally reduced Attack Speeds.
- Fixed the Staticor not consuming ammo after the mag is depleted.
- Fixed being stuck in endless Melee while Dual-Wielding.
- Fixed the Berserker Mod not applying to Excalibur’s Exalted Blade and its waves.
- Fixed missing consoles in the Corpus Ship tileset.
- Fixed bad hitproxy on back of Arid and Forest Eviscerator enemies that were blocking head shots from behind.
- Fixed an issue where already dead bodies would yield Credits if hit with the Secura Lecta.
- Fixed script error when scrolling through available missions in a tab in the World State Window on a controller while on PC.
- Fixed a script error when casting Harrow’s Thurible or Covenant.
- Fixed a script error when casting Oberon’s Hallowed Ground.
- Fixed a script error when casting Banshee’s Sonar.
- Fixed a script error when casting Ivara’s Quiver.
- Fixed a script error when casting Volt’s Discharge.
- Fixed a script error when casting Mesa’s Peacemaker.
- Fixed a script error when casting Hydroid’s Tidal Surge and Tempest Barrage.
- 修复开启设定选单造成闪退的问题。
- 修复近战武器在某些部分的表现问题。
- 修复
斯巴达雷射奥提克光子枪内建的1M穿透失效的问题。 - 修复在钢铁防线要塞与Palladino两人幽会时,会看见其他玩家的问题。
- 修复赤毒要塞Dakata节点的箱子奖励池错误的问题。(不会再给予飓风海怪姿态Mod。)
- 修复手鼓换弹声音太大声的问题。
- 修复在双持状态下,手鼓换弹声音消失的问题。
- 修复次要武器出现两次反馈的问题。(声音、装填动画......)
- 修复Harrow的聚能焚炉技能,无法用"使用选定的技能"按键取消的问题。
- 修复Harrow使用聚能焚炉时被击倒,会使香炉卡在手上的问题。
- 修复Harrow使用聚能焚炉后,没有收到Buff的问题。
- 修复Harrow苦行加护没有持续时间上限的问题。
- 修复在裂隙中能攻击到裂隙外敌人的问题。
- 修复地球地形中萤光植物错误的问题。
- 修复无法射击基蚀鱼鹰设置的烦死人蓝色球球的问题。
- 修复Harrow的衣襬在跑酷时会穿过他的腿的问题。
- 修复Harrow使用导引聚能焚炉时,会造成其他玩家无法使用表情动作的问题。
- 修复小黑逼近时的音效太大声的问题。恐惧吧!!! 绝望吧!!! 憎恨吧!!! ( ° ∀。)/
- 修复C族自动门没有正常运作的问题。
- 修复Titania发动剃刀之翼时,无法从裂隙中攻击裂隙外敌人的问题。
- 修复希芙、米尔、憎恨三把近战武器因为不明原因造成的攻速降低问题。
- 修复静电能量导引枪在弹匣耗尽之后,不会消耗弹药的问题。
- 修复在双持模式下使用近战攻击,会停不下来的问题。
- 修复狂战士Mod没有正常套用神剑的显赫刀剑与剑气的问题。
- 修复C族船舰地形中,控制台消失的问题。
- 修复从背后攻击沙漠开膛者&丛林开膛者头部时的错误判定问题。
- 修复以保障克勒塔攻击尸体时,不正常量产Credits的问题。
- 修复在PC上使用摇桿时的脚本错误。
- 修正Harrow施放聚能焚炉与庇佑圣约时的脚本错误。
- 修正Oberon施放圣地时的脚本错误。
- 修正Banshee施放声纳时的脚本错误。
- 修正Ivara施放战术箭袋时的脚本错误。
- 修正Volt施放超负荷时的脚本错误。
- 修复Mesa施放和平使者时的脚本错误。
- 修复Hydroid施放暴风雨弹幕与潮汐涌浪时的脚本错误。
- Changed Pyrana’s Mag to 10 in Conclave to match PvE values.
- Fixed the Sonicor doing pve damage in Conclave.
- 食人鱼的弹匣容量改为10发,以平衡其在PVP与PVE的价值。
- 修复超音波冲击枪在PVP中伤害没有平衡,依然套用PVE伤害的问题。
总之,记得使用耳机。然后32分38秒开始高能注意!!! (光速逃