还请各位见谅 先放个遮蔽图防雷
那幺原文先放在这里 大家帮我看看黑
- Companion Kavats will now get knocked back and dissolve (instead of just vanishing) when they sadly die because you either left them or didn’t make it in time.
- Reload sounds will now play properly when Dual-wielding the Zakti with thrown Melee weapons.
- Battalyst and Conculyst Sentient weapons will now disappear after a minute as opposed to lingering on the ground indefinitely.
- Improved texture-streaming responsiveness.
- Improved Channeling FX on Nova Prime and Oberon Prime.
- Optimized render performance in cases where dynamic lights were destroyed.
- 你的宠物伙伴现在在悲惨的死亡后会倒地然后尸体将慢慢的融解(而不是直接消逝)
- 当你同时使用Zakti和投掷型进战时,在你丢出后会正确的播放更换弹夹的音效了
- 武装使和震荡使的武器现在会在他们死亡后的一分钟消失,而不是永远摆在地上
- 提升了纹理特效的回馈效果
- 提升了Nova Prime 和 Oberon Prime 的流动特效
- 在动态灯被破坏的情况下优化渲染性能
Simulacrum & Captura Changes:
- Enemies will no longer automatically be killed by returning to the Arsenal area, and Host will not automatically kill enemies by using the enemy selector console.
- Enemies can be killed by the Host by selecting the 'Kill Enemies' button in the enemy selector console.
- The 'Pause AI' button will now dynamically pause and unpause any currently existing enemies.
- 现在在大黄脸的幻影装置及拍照模式中,敌人不再会因为你踏上军械库平台及主机进入了敌人选择介面而自动死亡
- 现在在大黄脸的幻影装置及拍照模式中,你可以用部署在敌人选择介面中的「杀死所有敌人」按钮来让它们全数归天
- 现在在大黄脸的幻影装置及拍照模式中,你可以随时暂停敌人和解除暂停敌人了
- Fixed a soft lock when attempting to craft Specters.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when activating Excalibur’s Exalted Blade (and other similar abilities) then entering the Arsenal and going to the Melee weapon upgrades screen in Captura and the Simulacrum.
- Fixed not receiving Syndicate Standing after completing a Syndicate mission.
- Fixed Mesa’s Peacemaker not acquiring new targets if it fails to find a target within a short period of time after firing.
- Fixed enemies affected by Nyx’s Chaos, Loki’s Radial Disarm, Naramon Mind Spike as well as Radiation procs not taking increased damage from faction damage Mods.
- Fixed being able to get infected by a cyst in Captura and the Simulacrum.
- Fixed the Zakti projectiles not hitting enemies in Mag’s Magnetize field.
- Fixed the Zakti projectiles never exploding with toxic gas when killing enemies or hostile objects.
- Fixed an issue that was causing all Sentient arms to no longer be destructible.
- Fixed Syndicate Secondaries losing their unique skin in Dual-Wield and looking like the normal version of the weapon.
- Fixed certain weapons firing "out of the Rift" when Limbo's Stasis is disabled.
- Fixed the Mastery Sigil appearing unranked on Titania and her Skins.
- More fixes towards Energy color issues when using Core Vent on the Elytron.
- Fixed Armor attachments appearing dark in the Star Chart when you zoom out of a region.
- 修正了尝试製作魅影时的一个错误(软锁?)
- 修正了在使用咖哩棒的华彩刀剑(或其他类似mod),然后进入军械库,接着前往大黄脸的幻影装置及拍照模式,在升级进战武器页面会发生的崩溃
- 修正了完成集团任务后没有收到集团点数的问题
- 修正了MESA的和平使者若是在短时间内没有找到目标,就无法再瞄準其他敌人的问题
- 修正了敌人在受到Nyx的3技、Loki的4技、N晶的效果以及辐射伤害影响之后,种族歧视mod没有对他们增加伤害的问题
- 修正了在大黄脸的幻影装置及拍照模式中仍可以被传染痘痘的问题
- 修正了Zakti的子弹在Mag的2技领域内击不中敌人的问题
- 修正了Zakti的子弹在杀死敌人或敌对物体时永远不会爆炸的问题
- 修正了一个导致S族战士的手臂永远不会被破坏的问题
- 修正了在你同时使用手枪和投掷性进战武器时,集团武器会失去他们的独特外观从而显得像是普通版武器的问题
- 修正了某些武器在limbo的虚空暂停之时仍可以开火射出虚空裂缝的问题
- 修正了精通段位纹章在Titania还有她的外观上会显示出无段位样式的问题
- 更多的修正了Elytron使用2技时的能量颜色问题
- 修正了当你缩小星图範围时,warframe上的装饰配件会出现黑色的问题
Conclave Changes:
- Reduced the AoE damage radius of the Zakti in Conclave
- 减少Zakti在武行秘仪中的AoE伤害半径
翻完了 ~~ 这次量没有很多 希望有帮助到大家